I have a mandatory 'cooling off' period after finishing a book, because when I finish a book I'm like a hopped up Cheerleader claiming "THIS IS THE GREATEST CREATION IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD." but even after I slept on this book for two nights I am still smiling, there is still part of me is living in that world, and THAT is an awesome thing for a book geek like me.
Let's get to the point, Jaden Wilkes is a bad ass. The first book of hers I read was The Therapist, which is full of "WTF just happened! WTF did I just read!" moments so I will admit I was a wee bit scared to read this series but I like a challenge and I especially like twisted dark stories where there is little possibility of a happy ending so I pulled on my big girl panties and jumped in.
I loved the first book in the series The Beast with all it's dark and twisty bits and Perfectly Normal was such a great continuation of these three characters I love. It's a serious contender to knock Dark Duet out as my favourite dark romance.
Perfectly Normal is filthy, painful. Sexy and sweet. It will make you laugh, cry and scare the crap out of you and then turn you on. It is not a fluffy romance, it's broken people doing broken things.
Columbia became this force of nature, like a little mini Dimi LOL fiercely loyal. I heard a whisper about a third book called "Little Dove" but don't hold me to that!
Dimitri was oh so sexy... Like shiver just thinking about him sexy.
And the Concierge... he is my favourite... sigh.
Now don't get me wrong I LOVE Dimi he is a man in full but he's taken... Now the Concierge... I think I could show him a good time. We get to know him better and find out his name in this book!
No spoilers, buy the book to find out!
I loved the way these three interacted with each other, it was funny seeing these two giant fierce men take care of her and her take care of them.
Let's take a moment to "sandwich" these three together... Ya... that's right... just like that.
Anyways... (No wait... I need another minute...)
Great story, strong meaningful characters, deep connections, suspense and sexy.
ALL good things!
Want to stalk Jaden Wilkes?
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/jadenwilkesauth/
Do it, stalk her, follow her, One Click her... You know you want to. It's a dirty ride, it might hurt a little but you'll be glad you did. I know I was.
Book 1: The Beast on Amazon (CA): http://www.amazon.ca/Beast-Jaden-Wilkes-ebook/dp/B00JBV3PNS/ref=sr_1_3?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1404831296&sr=1-3
Book 2: Perfectly Normal on Amazon (CA): http://www.amazon.ca/Perfectly-Normal-Beast-Book-2-ebook/dp/B00LLX5WNU/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1404831156&sr=1-1