This book I was obsessed with the moment I saw it in the book store. The cover art was so gorgeous and... Well... I have a weakness for YA stories about angels and girls who can kick some serious butt!
Penryn is definitely one of those girls. She is highly trained in ass kickery and can handle herself against three dudes it's seriously impressive! She is living in this post apocalypse world where angels are creating hell on earth. She is trying to survive and protect herself and her wheelchair ridden little sister and a schizophrenic mother off her meds. She is bat shit crazy and in the most deranged... Funny but also really unbalanced way LOL.
Enter Raffe (sorry Susan Ee I pronounce it RayF not RahFee, I tried it your way, my brain just refused to change) ok so Raffe is Raphael, Wrath of God ect ect... Oh holy angel. But with out giving spoilers these two crazy people cross paths and end up on the adventure of the end of days. It's a crazy ride with laughs and plenty of WTF moments. I was lucky and excited to get my hands on book one AND two right after one another...
Book Two: World After
I mean... The sheer brutality in this book is insane. I kept shaking my head like DAMN... That image is gonna stick with me forever LOL.
Penryn Young... I mean have we seen a more kick ass chick of YA before? Seriously she throws down in hand to hand combat with straight up angel warriors armed only with a raking steak knife! It's so freaking awesome.
Raffe... I thought he was bad ass in book one all wingless and still kicking butt but his brand new demon wings are even better. I love these two and their ability to cause absolute chaos LOL.
Honorary mentions go to the bat shit crazy mom & the conundrum that is Paige young. I mean seriously Raffes quote was spot on, “The unruliness of the women in your family must go back for generations. You’re like a plague upon the land.” LOL these ladies know how to survive a feeling apocalypse!
I'm dying to read book three (2014!!!!), four and yes you heard right FIVE books in this series! Woot woot!