Title: Beautiful Masterpiece
Author: Gen Ryan
Series: Thin Red Lines/ Book 1
Genre: Romantic Suspense, Thriller, Crime
Designer: Claire Smith
Unconditional love and unredeemable souls,
not everyone can be saved.
Madison Harper is no stranger to monsters.
After surviving an unimaginable childhood, she fights her past every day and dreams of working for the FBI to protect the innocent from monsters like her own father. Her plans are clear: finish her PhD, then join the next class of trainees.
Her father’s escape fast forwards her plans.
The two agents assigned to protect and instruct Madison offer her so much more than she ever expected. They teach her about love and pain, trust and loss. But not everyone can or should be saved.
Will Madison avoid being her father’s last Beautiful Masterpiece?
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1. Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m 28 years old and reside in New England with my husband, daughter and American Eskimo dog. Everyone says I seem to always be holding a book in my hands. I love all genres, but I have a soft spot for Romantic Suspense and Psychological Thrillers.
During the day I am a College Professor. I teach primarily Psychology but recently started teaching Women Empowerment as well. It is great to mold the minds of others and inspire women to reach their dreams and empower each other!
My passion, though, is getting into the minds of people and writing has allowed me that outlet. Holding my degree in Forensic Psychology has unearthed an obsession with serial killers which once you read any of my books you can see that I take getting into the minds of my killers to an entirely different level.
2. What inspired you to write your first book?
I had this story nagging at me for some time. I just didn’t have the “time”, or think that I could write it. I was working FT as a college professor and just entered my PhD program and I was so stressed out. You would think that I would have less time working FT, taking care of my daughter, husband etc. and going back to school but I started writing Beautiful Masterpiece and found writing was so therapeutic and helped ease my stress and anxiety levels while in school.
3. How did you come up with the title of Beautiful Masterpiece?
It directly correlates to the book. You’ll have to read it to find out J
4. Describe your main character in five words.
I’m going to describe Liam because he holds a soft spot in my heart
5. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in writing Beautiful Masterpiece?
How much I really loved writing. I’ve always written in some capacity for work or school but it wasn’t for me. It wasn’t to release the stories inside of my head! Now I can’t stop and I love it!
6. How long does it take you to write a book?
It depends. Beautiful Masterpiece took me about a year just because I did it in bits and pieces as I had time while finishing my PhD. I find about a month or two if I really dedicate my extra time to it.
7. Can you share a little of your current work with us?
Avery Grant’s story is up next for the Thin Red Lines Series. I’ve been asked whether the other characters will be in it and yes J It is just primarily told in Avery’s perspective and a new male character. And of course, as always, we will be in the killer’s head as well. Here’s an unedited snip-it:
“What are you going to do to me?” Her wide eyes glistened with tears.
“I am going to set you free.” I brushed her hair out of her face as it tangled with her tears.
“God, please save me,” she whispered. Fire. Hate. Rage. They all coursed through my veins. I felt ablaze. I clawed at my arms, struggling to get the feeling out of my veins. God? Save her? This simple, ignorant bitch.
“You naive, child.” I bent her down in front of the water. “There is no God to save you.” She glanced back at me, and another squeal escaped from her lips.
“But the devil. Well, he’s here, and he’s waiting for you.” I took out a knife from my pants pocket. The knife was small, about the size of a Swiss army knife, but it was sharp. Sharp enough to cut into flesh. I lifted her shirt, exposing her white fleshy stomach. Taking the knife and pressing it against her stomach I watched as the red dripped down her skin. She struggled against me, threatening to mess up the thin red lines I was trying to form. I stopped as she continued to fight me. Her restraints were loose now, and she stared at me, fear and confusion causing her eyes to widen. I felt the anger building in my body, threatening to boil over.
8. What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
I write in the evenings mostly as I teach about 4 college courses a week!
9. Do you have any writing rituals?
Caffeine and music! The music helps set my mood for a scene. Often, I will have a song on repeat!
10. What book are you reading now?
Without You by Lindsay Detwiler
11. Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
I promise I’m not crazy and thanks for giving my books a chance!
Random Questions:
1. What’s in your fridge right now?
Tons of Coke Zero because I’m addicted, snacks for my daughter, Almond Milk, yogurts, lots of eggs and bacon and tons of wilting fresh vegetables because I have the best intentions to cook but I order out more than anything else J
2. What song do you sing at the top of your voice every time you hear it?
I do not like Justin Bieber as a person, but I cannot help but sing along with his song, Sorry. My daughter and I belt it out-every single time!
3. Other than writing, what special or unusual talent(s) do you have?
I love to sing and act. I was a Theatre Arts Major before I switched to Forensic Psychology. I travelled to Paris, France and studied at the La Femis Film School my senior year of high school!
4. Where did you last go on holiday?
Cape Cod, Mass.
5. If feral aliens attacked your house and they were zapping your home with their Über super bombs, what five items would you save?
Haha. I wouldn’t be saving anything; someone would have to save me!
You can find Genevieve curled up reading paranormal romance and romantic thrillers, or frantically typing her stories on her laptop.
Psychology is her trade by day, teaching and molding the minds of college students. Her interest in psychology can be seen in her books, each including many psychological undertones. Although she loves teaching, her passion, her true love, lays in the stories that roam around her in head. Yes, they all come from her mind--the good, the bad, and the totally insane.
She lives in Massachusetts--no not Boston-with her husband, daughter, and American Eskimo dog. With each story she shares, she hopes her love for writing and storytelling seeps through, encompassing the reader and leaving them wanting more.

Psychology is her trade by day, teaching and molding the minds of college students. Her interest in psychology can be seen in her books, each including many psychological undertones. Although she loves teaching, her passion, her true love, lays in the stories that roam around her in head. Yes, they all come from her mind--the good, the bad, and the totally insane.
She lives in Massachusetts--no not Boston-with her husband, daughter, and American Eskimo dog. With each story she shares, she hopes her love for writing and storytelling seeps through, encompassing the reader and leaving them wanting more.

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