On sale for 99 cents
Author: Amy K. McClung
Title: For the Love of Gracie
Series: Southern Devotion series, Book 1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 8, 2016
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing

Always falling for the wrong guy, Gracie Walker hasn't had much luck finding Prince Charming. She's reached a point where it's easier to forget about romance and focus on what's important: college, clubbing and her friends.
But the best-laid plans don't always pan out as hoped.
Caught up in a web of relationships that threaten nothing but pain, Gracie has to decide who she can trust and who can help keep her safe.
What lengths will the man of her dreams go to… for the Love of Gracie?

Only 99 cents for a limited time!

1. Tell us a bit about yourself. I grew up in Nashville TN and now live in a small town on the outskirts. Met my husband Daniel on Match.com in 2004, married him in 2005, we celebrate 11 years of marriage this September. No kids or pets, only a LOT of Funko Pop dolls. I need an intervention.
2. What inspired you to write your first book? My husband. I had lost my job and was feeling very down about life in general. While talking to my husband on the phone, I told him about a TV show I’d been watching and how I would’ve written the plot differently. He suggested that I sit down and write a story of my own just to take my mind off things. That story turned into my first independently published novel.
3. How did you come up with the title of For the Love of Gracie? It’s not really the greatest story. I had the character name and as I was writing I kept making mistakes and would say, “For the love of…” and change what was needed. Eventually I was like, “Ooh… For the love of Gracie!” No joke…it’s really a terrible story on how I came up with that, lol.
4. Describe your main character in five words. Compassionate, Strong-willed, Loyal, Feisty, Courageous
5. Have you ever done anything strange or weird in the name of research? I’m not sure if it’s strange or weird, but I went to the gun range for the first time while writing For the Love of Gracie. The experience Gracie has at the range is the exact description of my first experience at the range.
6. How long does it take you to write a book? On average, 6-8 months.
7. What is your work schedule like when you're writing? Since I have a full-time job, I don’t get to write as much as I’d like to (I’d love to make it a full-time gig). Currently I write for about an hour and a half to two hours each night during the week and for two to four hours on the weekend.
8. What book are you reading now? Straying Sadie by Felicia Tatum
9. Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? Thank you for all your support and for loving my characters as much as I do!
Random Questions:
1. What’s in your fridge right now? Leftovers from grilling out with family.
2. What song do you sing at the top of your voice every time you hear it? Dancing Queen by ABBA.
3. Other than writing, what special or unusual talent(s) do you have? I enjoy drawing and do a pretty decent job of it. I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was younger so I used to spend my time drawing as much as I write now. Also, I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue.
4. Where did you last go on holiday? Knoxville TN for Fanboy Expo. It’s a three day comic-con. I got to meet one of my childhood idols-Catherine Bach (Daisy Duke of The Dukes of Hazzard). It was a nerd-tastic weekend which is my favorite kind.
5. If feral aliens attacked your house and they were zapping your home with their Über super bombs, what five items would you save? Does my entire Pop Funko collection count as one item??? If I only get five, I’d say my wedding album, signed poster of The Chamber of Secrets, Autographed Princess Leia Funko, my Laptop, oh and I guess my husband!

Amy McClung was born in Nashville, TN. She is the second oldest of four girls and occasionally suffers from middle-child syndrome. She met the love of her life online in August of 2004, on his birthday of all days, and married him in September 2005.
Currently they have no human children, only the room full of colorful robots that transform into vehicles and the large headed Pop Funkos who represent their favorite characters. Collecting movies, shot glasses, Pop Funkos, and dust bunnies are some of her favorite pastimes.
Amy began writing in September of 2011 and independently published her first YA novel, Cascades of Moonlight, Book one of the Parker Harris series the following May. Her first book was a means of therapy for her, enabling her to escape reality for a while during a difficult transition in her life.

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